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Thursday, October 20, 2005

War Is A State Of Mind - Conference - 'Raising Children Without Violence'

We, Israelis and Palestinians, are living in a permanent war. It has lasted now for more than 120 years. A fifth generation of Israelis and Palestinians has been born into the war, like their parents and teachers. Their whole mental outlook has been shaped by the war from earliest childhood. Every day of their lives, violence has dominated the daily news.

In many ways, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is unique. Putting a complex historical process in its simplest terms, it goes like this:

120 years ago, many Jews in Europe realized that the growing nationalism of the various peoples, almost always accompanied by a virulent anti-Semitism, was leading towards a catastrophe. They decided to become a nation themselves and set up a state for the Jews. They chose Palestine, the ancient homeland of their people, as the place to realize their dream. Their slogan was: "A country without people for a people without a country."

But Palestine was not empty. The people living there objected, of course, to another people coming from nowhere and claiming their country.

The historian Isaac Deutscher has described the conflict in this way: A person lives on an upper floor of a building that has caught fire. To save himself, he jumps from the window and lands on a passerby below, injuring him grievously. Between the two, a mortal enmity ensues. Who is in the right?....

War Is A State Of Mind

Monday, October 17, 2005


Really good tutorials and links into P2P world...P2P.INFO

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Robot to explore Great Pyramid's secret chamber

Egypt is preparing to use the latest technology to solve a 4,500-year-old riddle. A robot is to be sent up two narrow shafts in the Great Pyramid in Giza to discover whether a secret burial chamber contains the real tomb of the pharaoh Cheops.

The chief Egyptian archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, is to inspect the robot designed by Singapore scientists this week. He was the official who breathlessly watched with a live television crew and a group of the world's leading Egyptologists in September 2002, when an American-designed robot drilled a hole through a stone panel in a pyramid shaft. In a historic anticlimax, after crawling 200ft along caterpillar tracks, the robot revealed nothing but another sealed door at the end of a small empty chamber....

Robot to explore Great Pyramid's secret chamber

Netsukuku the Anarchical Parallel Internet

"Developed by the Freaknet, Netsukuku is a new p2p routing system, which will be utilised to build a worldwide distributed, anonymous and anarchical network, separated from the Internet, without the support of any servers, ISPs or authority controls. In a p2p network every node acts as a router, therefore in order to solve the problem of computing and storing the routes for 2^128 nodes, Netsukuku makes use of a new meta-algorithm, which exploits the chaos to avoid cpu consumption and fractals to keep the map of the whole net constantly under the size of 2Kb. Netsukuku includes also the Abnormal Netsukuku Domain Name Anarchy, a non hierarchical and decentralised system of hostnames management which replaces the DNS. It runs on GNU/Linux."


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Unmasked: the 'real Shakespeare'

EXTRAORDINARY historical evidence suggests Shakespeare's plays were not written by the bard, but by a Tudor politician descended from King Edward III.
British Shakespeare scholar and former university lecturer Brenda James and university historian William Rubinstein propose that the real Shakespeare was Sir Henry Neville, an English courtier and diplomat.
Their research is described as "pioneering" by the chairman of the Shakespearean Authorship Trust, Mark Rylance, artistic director of Shakespeare's Globe theatre in London.
The claims — based on five years of detailed archival research by Ms James and additional work by Professor Rubinstein, of the University of Wales, Aberystwyth — reveal a vast amount of evidence suggesting Neville wrote all the plays attributed to Shakespeare.
They will be published in a book due to be launched this month at the Globe.....


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The Best Ghost Photos Ever Taken

If seeing is believing, then these photos will convince you of the existence of ghosts. Here are some incredible ghost pictures and the equally remarkable stories behind them....

The Ghost of Boothill Cemetery
"This is the photo that changed my opinion about ghost photos," says Terry Ike Clanton, who runs the TombstoneArizona.com website. Clanton is an actor, recording artist and cowboy poet, and is also a cousin of the legendary Clanton Gang who clashed with the Earps and Doc Holliday at the famous gunfight at OK Corral. Clanton took this photo of his friend (click the picture to see the complete photo) at Boothill Graveyard. The photo was taken in black and white because he wanted Old West-looking pictures of himself dressed in Clanton's 1880-period clothes. Clanton took the film for developing to the local Thrifty Drug Store, and when he got it back was startled at what he saw. Among the gravestones, just to the right of his friend, is the image of what appears to be a thin man in a dark hat. By height, the man appears to be either legless, kneeling... or rising up out of the ground.

"I know there was no other person in this photograph when I shot it," Clanton insists. And he believes the small figure in the background is holding a knife. "We thought this was a tie at first, but after further review, it appears to be a knife," Clanton says. "The knife is in a vertical position; the tip is located just below the figure's right collar. If you're not convinced that something is weird here, look at my friend's shadow in the photo. It appears to be going back slightly to the right of him. The figure in the back should have the same shadow, but it doesn't!"

The Ghost in the Burning Building
On November 19, 1995, Wem Town Hall in Shropshire, England burned to the ground. Many spectators gathered to watch the old building, built in 1905, as it was being consumed by the flames. Tony O'Rahilly, a local resident, was one of those onlookers and took photos of the spectacle with a 200mm telephoto lens from across the street. One of those photos shows what looks like a small, partially transparent girl standing in the doorway. Nether O'Rahilly nor any of the other onlookers or firefighters recalled seeing the girl there.

O'Rahilly submitted the photo to the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena which, in turn, presented it for analysis to Dr. Vernon Harrison, a photographic expert and former president of the Royal Photographic Society. Harrison carefully examined both the print and the original negative, and concluded that it was genuine. "The negative is a straightforward piece of black-and-white work and shows no sign of having been tampered with," Harrison said.

But who is the little girl? Wem, a quiet market town in northern Shropshire, had been ravaged by fire in the past. In 1677, historical records note, a fire destroyed many of the town's old timber houses. A young girl named Jane Churm, the legends say, accidentally set fire to a thatched roof with a candle. Many believed her ghost haunted the area and had been seen on a few other occasions.

The Best Ghost Photos Ever Taken

Monday, October 10, 2005


There is no money in the U.S. Treasury.

The debt is now $7,978,002,527,274.56 and accumulating interest every second of the day.

The engineered, unconstitutional invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq are costing a whopping $7 billion dollars a month. Bush wants to further drive us into poverty with a ten year commitment of $570 billion dollars. Never in my life have I seen such insanity - not even under Clinton.
How do you spend $7 billion dollars a month when there is no money in your bank account?
Congress borrows it from their private bankers and slaps this unpayable, massive debt on your back. They have doomed our children and grand babies to little more than serfs of modern times. There is absolutely no authorization in the U.S. Constitution for this type of rape of the American people's pockets. Think these crooks in Congress care? Think again. Congress has become little more than a cabal of crooks operating under their own rules. War is profit driven and business is booming - for the international banking cartels. All they need are more soldiers to sacrifice in deliberately engineered wars to feed their lust for power and enrich them beyond imagination.......


Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Dreaded Secret

Is all paper money basically junk? Of course it is, and in due time, as the old saying goes, it will be reduced to its intrinsic value. This is the dreaded secret that the central banks of the world don't want you to think or recognize. But slowly, ever so slowly, the "dreaded secret" will emerge, and it will be recognized and acted on by the masses.

We are now in the early part of the second phase of the great gold bull market. This is the phase where gold starts to make the news. And when an item makes the news, the great unwashed public notices and begins asking questions. They don't do anything about it in this early stage -- they simply ask questions. And the question that a few curious people ask is, "Hey, why is gold going up? I read somewhere that it's at a 17 year high." And so it starts. The next question they ask is -- "What's wrong with the dollar. It's taking more and more of them to buy gasoline and heating oil and college tuition and rent. Is there something wrong with the dollar?".....


Monday, October 03, 2005

Saturn's Hyperion: A Moon with Odd Craters

What lies at the bottom of Hyperion's strange craters? Nobody knows. To help find out, the robot Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn swooped past the sponge-textured moon again last week and took an image of unprecedented detail. That image, shown above in false color, shows a remarkable world strewn with strange craters and a generally odd surface. The slight differences in color likely show differences in surface composition. At the bottom of most craters lies some type of unknown dark material. Inspection of the image shows bright features indicating that the dark material might be only tens of meters thick in some places. Hyperion is about 250 kilometers across, rotates chaotically, and has a density so low that it might house a vast system of caverns inside.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

NGC 613: Spiral of Dust and Stars

When morning twilight came to the Paranal Observatory in Chile, astronomers Mark Neeser and Peter Barthel interrupted their search for faint quasars, billions of light-years away. And just for a moment, they used Very Large Telescopes at the European Southern Observatory to appreciate the beauty of the nearby Universe. One result was this stunning view of beautiful barred spiral galaxy NGC 613, a mere 65 million light-years away in the southern constellation Sculptor. Over 100 thousand light-years across, NGC 613 seems to have more than its fair share of spiral arms laced with cosmic dust clouds and bright star forming regions near the ends of a dominant central bar. Radio emission indicates the presence of a massive black hole at the center of NGC 613.