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Monday, October 10, 2005


There is no money in the U.S. Treasury.

The debt is now $7,978,002,527,274.56 and accumulating interest every second of the day.

The engineered, unconstitutional invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq are costing a whopping $7 billion dollars a month. Bush wants to further drive us into poverty with a ten year commitment of $570 billion dollars. Never in my life have I seen such insanity - not even under Clinton.
How do you spend $7 billion dollars a month when there is no money in your bank account?
Congress borrows it from their private bankers and slaps this unpayable, massive debt on your back. They have doomed our children and grand babies to little more than serfs of modern times. There is absolutely no authorization in the U.S. Constitution for this type of rape of the American people's pockets. Think these crooks in Congress care? Think again. Congress has become little more than a cabal of crooks operating under their own rules. War is profit driven and business is booming - for the international banking cartels. All they need are more soldiers to sacrifice in deliberately engineered wars to feed their lust for power and enrich them beyond imagination.......


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