How to Download & Upload files from Mails...Peer2Mail - Forum...P2MANYAK

U want to download games and movies with a good speed ( thats what we all here for!)
So here is an easy way to download large files from mailbox
1. first download peer to mail... PEER2MAIL....
Peer2Mail is the first software that lets you store and share files on any web-mail account. If you have a web mail account with large storage space, you can use P2M to store files on it. Web-mail providers such as Gmail (Google Mail), Walla!, Yahoo and more, provide storage space that ranges from 100MB to 3GB.
P2M splits the file you want to share/store zips and encrypts it. P2M then sends the file segments one by one to your account. Once P2M uploaded all file segments, you can download them and use P2M to merge the segments back to the original file.
Peer2Mail is 100% Free
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