Millions of Americans have marched in the streets of all of the major US cities opposing wars in the Mideast. Yet the US Congress, which supposedly exists to represent the will of the people, refused to listen. Instead, they voted the President the authority to take this nation to war. More recently, and despite the exposure of the President's justifications for war as fiction, Congress again voted for more war by voting against legislation intended to end US involvement in Iraq, introduced by Kucinich, Abercrombie, and Woolsey.
So, the US Congress isn't listening to the people. They are listening to someone who WANTS more war.
Sharon Recruits US Mercenaries Against Syria
Sharon Wants U.S. Action Against Syria
Iraqi WMD 'possibly in Syria'
Sharon Says US Should Also Disarm Iran, Libya and Syria
Israel urges harder int'l line towards Iran
Israeli foreign minister calls for international action against Iran in light of elections
Israelis urge U.S. to stop Iran's nuke goals
It would be a “catastrophe” for the United States to pull out of Iraq, a leading Israeli legislator warned.
'Israel will take out Iran's nuke facilities if US does not'
According to al-Watan, Israel made it clear that it would only be able to wait until a certain date next year and would strike at Iran if no progress is made by that time.
Israel says Syria regime change in world's interest
Israeli officials call for changes in Syrian rule
Israeli leaders call for regime change in Syria after assassination report
Well, Israel certainly wants war! But that is Israel. Why would the US Congress, which supposedly exists to serve the will of the AMERICAN people, be obeying the will of Israel?
Well, maybe because Israel's lobbying/spying organization, AIPAC, is PAYING THEM TO!
You heard me. Members of AIPAC, the organization suspected of spying for Israel, donate vast sums of money to the members of US Congress. And the US Congress has sold our young men and women in uniform to go off and fight and die in wars Israel has created.
So, here is what you need to do. You need to call all of your congressional representatives and tell them they can either work for AIPAC, or they can work for you, but you will not tolerate a Congress that accepts money from suspected spies of a foreign government and then quite obviously proceeds to serve the will of that government. Tell them that not only will you never again vote for any Congressman that accepts money from Israeli agents but that you intend to work for and support their opposition next election. Tell them better no government at all than a government that serves a foreign power.
Get angry.
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