Tools You Might Have Missed

Here is a collection of research tools , as you might have missed them the first time around. Many of them access the Google API, some access the Yahoo API.
Actors: What roles does an actor play?
LinkZoom: Enter your URL to see links zoomed in a slideshow.
Web of Letters: Spell words using images found on the web. This tool uses the Yahoo API.
AnyRank: Find the CurseRank, GeekRank, NaughtyRank, or IntellectRank for your URL.
Neighborsearch: Searches within pages linked from a site.
Moviebot: See automated movie ratings, like for “Terminator.”
Google Mini: A small version of Google (IE-only).
Google Rotated: A rotated version of Google (IE-only).
The Google Family Tree: See relatives of any famous person.
Ageshare: In which age group do keywords like “ice cream” appear most often?
Categorizer: Automatically find a category for your keywords.
FindForward: Collects many different search tools from this blog.
Citybrowser: Find out everything about a city.
The Google Encyclopedia: Data-mining through search engines.
Auto-linker: Automatically insert links into any text.
Domain Generator: Get a random domain name.
Google Years: Show the PageCount for the years 1000-2100.
Illusionizer: Replaces the images on any page by matching Google Images results.
Memomarker: Get the “Googlonym" for any URL or text.
PageBoost: Get only positive reviews for your URL.
Permutator: Find variations for any URL.
PersonMap: Which character traits most closely describe you or another person? The nearer an attribute is to the center, the more fitting it is.
Image Quiz: My stats tell me this is the most popular page here ever.
Quote Finder: Check if a source is original or taken from somewhere else.
Random page: Takes random words, googles them, and redirects you to the first page found.
Random Book: Grabs a random book, CD, DVD, or VHS from Amazon.
Random Ego-Googler: Find a random person on the web.
Memecodes: Darwinistic random page genes in a battle for search engine attention.
Search Grid: Truly two-dimensional search results.
Stereoscopic ASCII vision: Create one of those images you need to gaze on for a minute to see them in 3D.
Google Suggests: Find out what options Google Suggest offers.
Word Popularity Colorizer: Visualize how frequent keywords are relative to the context they appear in.
Theorybot: Random theories on the click of a button.
Egobot: Talk to the web through Egobot.
The Google Couch Potato: Infinitely stream Google Videos.
Random Yahoo Images: See random image compositions.
The Memespread Analyzer. -->
Keyword Variations: Finds site with variants of your keyword.
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